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NESAbandoned Androids of Celba by flag Strobe
Requested By: flagColidace

Time Left: 2:35

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Stencil cutout of a 5
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Info for tag(s) "Lyrics,Coop,Vocals"

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Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
All Your Base Have video flag Netpoet (Frank Stiegler) , flag Xenon [de] (Matthias H. Risse) 3:17 Active 3.4 Log in to queue 2025-03-02
PC-ReasonBlue Bay (Radio Vocal Edit) flag Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren) , flag tHiborg (Arvid Thiborg) 3:59 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-03-10
PC (other)Choose Zero Polys & Shaders (Demo Version) Have video flag 1in10 (Jari Pitkänen) , flag Little Bitchard (Arto Koivisto) GroupKewlers , Groupmfx 5:21 Active 4.7 l Locked 2025-03-09
PC (other)Comic Bakery (larger than no remix) flag DHS (Carlo Demichelis) , flag Press Play on Tape 4:44 Active 3.4 l Locked 2025-03-09
PC (other)Dennegangenda flag Gloom (Bent Stamnes) , flag Little Bitchard (Arto Koivisto) GroupBitFellas , GroupBrainstorm 7:12 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2025-03-03
PC (other)Edward Teller Have video flag kb (Tammo Hinrichs) , flag Paniq (Leonard Ritter) GroupFarbrausch 3:58 Active * 3.3 l Locked 2025-03-09
PC (other)Fall From Sky flag Firefox (Jimmy Fredriksson) , flag K-Line (Karl Svegare) , flag Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen) 4:10 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2025-03-05
PC (other)Feels So Far flag Lluvia (Anne Haessig) , flag Radix (Jakob Svanholm) 4:02 Active * 3.9 l Locked 2025-03-09
PC (other)Memorize Your Future Have video flag Faith (Sylvia Ritter) , flag JCO (Jan C. Obergfell) GroupNeuro 4:26 Active 3.3 Log in to queue 2025-03-10
Nobody's Bizniz flag h0ffman (Ian Ford) , flag SaVannaH (Sarah Ford) 3:50 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2025-01-05
PC-ITOn va danser flag Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin) , flag Tbob (Valentin Boigelot) 4:11 Active 1.9 Log in to queue 2024-11-12
PC-ITOne Year Again flag Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin) , User Esej Band 2:30 Removed By Request 1.5 l Locked 2022-03-25
PC-MO3The Sign of Fate flag Cadaver (Lasse Öörni) , flag Malekith (Lionel Gendre) 2:07 Active * 2.8 Log in to queue 2024-04-30