mirrorbird (13:02:13) just saw a great german word: Quengelware (whine-ware) = the sweets & impulse buys placed near the checkout
zoner (13:00:14) very relatable
zoi (12:59:53) all they do is block me from getting my branch merged
zoi (12:59:15) yes, your unit tests suck
zoner (12:59:02) well, there went all my life's work then
zoi (12:58:31) yes
zoner (12:58:17) even if there's infinity of them?
zoi (12:58:13) that's why we need formal methods
zoi (12:57:56) No. Testing can only prove the presence, not absence of bugs.
zoner (12:48:30) complete works of shakespear almost drafted
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