but.. revision is so expensive 300-400 euro just for a few talks on such an event (hotel costs, train costs, revision tickets are 100€, like WHAT???) So yeah, too expensive as of now.
haha. that would be fantastic talk at a demo scene event. A lotta talk about!
even if ads are annoying sometimes (youtube ads, coca cola, booh, I wanna see dat video!)
it's a strange world! but promo, marketing and ads are very important!
True, if coca cola will stop all ADs now, they will be remembered for decades. But sometime, PEPSI will take over And in 50 years ppl will be like: Coca-WHAT? Never heard of it. PEPSI FTW!
But commodore is closed (as company) and how to keep it alive? My other thought was: Why is Coca Cola and McDonalds so world popular. Because: Millions of ad $ per year, THAT'S WHY!
aw dang, pitch slides in the playing tune hitting pitch limit!!
True, it feels fakey, virtual...
there's already FPGAs out there acting like old game console hardware, no reason they can't act like retro computer hardware in the future