Agemixer (05:18:17) rap my suggestion: make use of soft-deadlines
Rapture (05:17:46) why not on a computer?
Rapture (05:17:42) ah ok u are on a smartphone
Rapture (05:17:19) yes some deadlines will be on the project etc, but yeah it's so slow in general so I lost interest
Agemixer (05:17:11) that v comes up easily instead of whitespaces on android keyboard, toughskreen
Rapture (05:16:43) NOT from 2005
Rapture (05:16:40) yes well megasong was fom 2015 to 2016
Agemixer (05:16:33) / the project has
Agemixer (05:16:15) yes thats a fair deal.
Rapture (05:16:08) thevprohectvhas ?
Time Left: 3:54
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