mirrorbird (17:52:21) runtime linking though. that was the real step. (THERE IS NO MALWARE ON YOUR MACINTOSH)
mirrorbird (17:51:48) "you need to be able to swap it out", finally, we have enforced encapsulation, something even Stroustrup couldn't do
directionless (17:51:46) Makes sense. Shit ecosystems
zoi (17:51:26) which isn't really possible when distributed through the crap store
zoi (17:51:20) in programs you distribute
directionless (17:51:17) On PC I just use XMplay. Still listening to nectarine like the old days even on Windows 98
zoi (17:51:15) VLC is just a frontend for ffmpeg, which is GPL and states that you need you be able to swap it out
zoi (17:50:54) The problem with VLC on iOS is license
mirrorbird (17:50:50) altho since audio is a HUGE deal on portable devices we would expect everything to work there.
mirrorbird (17:50:34) which we generally expect to be a bit less "featured"
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