Rapture (14:38:08) dvibe ok
mirrorbird (14:37:58) ???
d_vibe (14:37:53) Rapture: yep, but most ppl just say "batman" nowadays
mirrorbird (14:37:46) this pretty darling only does all the song work on the back end
mirrorbird (14:37:32) Mystra is too cute and shy to speak on the oneliner
Rapture (14:37:25) in swedish
Rapture (14:37:21) batman = lederlappe
d_vibe (14:37:08) Mystra has to step up and defend norweigan now
zoi (14:35:56) tarzan = buskeharald
Rapture (14:35:53) ananas pineapple
Time Left: 8:03
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