LittleWhite: So you do with LMMS too?
LittleWhite: And guess how long that feature has been requested for LMMS? I lost in counts... but in a giod case it could be there now.
I haven't been following the development for some months now, honestly, but in a good case it might be they finally applied some track (sample) RECORDing function.
LittleWhite: So the task is very familiar to you then (And why to make a startup like "this complex" anyway)
Yeah, i have no better ideas even for starting any version.of the software that otherwise would share the sane file That can be overriden with coming versions of LMMS (AppImage atleast) though
To edit the needed information for each version you want to have, and - the best thing, you can place that pre script anywhere you want, and make a screen shortcut for each
Well, I have myself a lot of silly script and overwritting a file before starting the software... already did that (for a totally different software)
And you can just use the pre launch script (edit the details there, not the actyal launcher)
So basically it just overwrites the .lmmsrc.xml configuration file, the only one required, before it starts the wanted version of lmms.