mirrorbird (23:36:04) i bet when you turn on your PS3 it will be all "can't connect, online services are dead, you are a ghost"
Rapture (23:35:26) DONT WANT IT!
Rapture (23:35:25) NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Rapture (23:35:24) where can i disable monitor sleepy whatta. WIN11 WANTS TO INSTALL
Rapture (23:35:01) why did my screen go off?
Rapture (23:34:54) wHATTA
HexaDecimator (23:33:17) I misread that as Testlast
mirrorbird (23:20:50) passed & paska
Agemixer (23:18:22) Testtest
mirrorbird (23:15:11) ...as i happen to be cleaning up an ancient page...
Time Left: 4:30
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