Rapture (23:39:48) FUCK OFF U TROPHIES
Rapture (23:39:35) happy without trophy yeaaaaah
mirrorbird (23:39:22) wink with the untz
mirrorbird (23:39:17) wink. We Call It W
Rapture (23:39:15) YEPPO!
mirrorbird (23:38:56) ignore it like you are ignoring trophies? right? we won't hear you talk about trophies
Rapture (23:38:47) mirror
mirrorbird (23:38:33) Rap: it'll work for local games, just the menus will expect to see online stuff, which no longer exists -- you can ignore it
Rapture (23:38:31) and that's what I want. no online share with silly trophies anyway
Rapture (23:38:21) i bet I can "only" play da bought boxed games offline, installing them on the HDD
Time Left: 4:30
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