Rapture (23:54:07) i eat frozen berries
mirrorbird (23:53:45) "the real oneliner is the song queue", unforteunately nobody took me up on that, i think it can be very funny to request 'related' songs
Rapture (23:53:36)
Rapture (23:53:32) age dont give me fantasies.
Rapture (23:53:24) hahaha
Rapture (23:53:22) the urge to fap was
Agemixer (23:53:10) the urge
Rapture (23:53:07) age o/
Rapture (23:53:02) we saw 747 on the airport xxl tour too. mhhhhhhhhhhh.
Agemixer (23:52:59) Stinsen o/ Yep i had thexurge to say
Time Left: 4:24
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