d_vibe (11:12:17) Ok, Colidace
Agemixer (11:11:18) luurin vaihto
Agemixer (11:11:05) Hetko vielä One more sec
Colidace (11:10:47) I don't know anything about the last version
d_vibe (11:10:00) DOpus last Amiga version was literary a replacement for WB, wasnt it?
Agemixer (11:04:00) ok brb
Agemixer (10:59:57) Hmm i should remind fixing that Lightspeed version plus upload the original untreated one
juN3bula (10:59:53) Ai sendet you message of that AI song
Colidace (10:57:54) that's why I still use Total Commander
Colidace (10:57:13) File Manager (0m:22s) - YouTube Link
Time Left: 2:44
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