Oldchap (15:38:42) See you soon Rap
Rapture (15:38:30) space o/ zoi zoner oldchap o/
zoner (15:38:18) yeah good idea to put in a big squeeze bottle like restaurants have for oil, etc
zoi (15:37:35) I usually have like a ladle or something, but it always gets messy
zoi (15:37:28) so much easier to just shake and pour out a bit
zoi (15:37:18) I think I'm going to start putting pancake batter in a bottle always
zoner (15:36:05) nice story zoi
zoi (15:35:49) we brought the camping stove and made pea soup and pancakes
zoi (15:35:42) I took the doggies and the wife and the baby for a hike through a nature reserve with a lot of beech trees
zoner (15:35:36) zoi you take those words back, solar burn is super duper
Time Left: 5:35
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