Rapture (23:38:21) i bet I can "only" play da bought boxed games offline, installing them on the HDD
Rapture (23:38:09) so when I buy PS3 it wont function cuz PS3 online store is offline ???
mirrorbird (23:38:01) mentioning no names
mirrorbird (23:37:57) Hexa: they are also good if you're an autocratic East Asian peninsular state that wants to design weapons and can't afford a PS5
Rapture (23:37:44) and speccy and atari 2600 and schneider cpc
Rapture (23:37:33) yes C64 is betta
mirrorbird (23:37:16) although the keyboard might not work, after 30 years in the attic
HexaDecimator (23:37:06) only reason to get a PS3 these days is if you want to jailbreak it
mirrorbird (23:37:04) (MODEM NOT INCLUDED)
mirrorbird (23:36:53) but you turn on your C64, Speccy, or Amstrad and it's good as new and ready to play
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