Agemixer (07:47:21) Wow, how hard it could be to create a group, even if it was an old one, and especially then
Agemixer (07:39:54) Hej
LittleWhite (07:39:42) Bonjour
zoi (07:34:56) ¡Morjens!
DennyItaly (07:34:48) morning o/
Colidace (07:34:34) moin nectas
Agemixer (07:23:57) I mean, the least amount of the same command set, probably.
Agemixer (07:22:42) Least hassle. Android command set is probably the most minimal the same to unixes what i have seen.
Agemixer (07:17:27) Relatively small app and does its job
Agemixer (07:15:00) zoi: Yeah i'm super cautious installing nything, i was thinkingg the same but i found an android way: Zarchiver
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