d_vibe (14:33:00) the swedish word "bra" means good btw
d_vibe (14:32:51)
mirrorbird (14:32:42) "over-the-shoulder boulder holder"
mirrorbird (14:32:38) zoi: english has the best slang for bra
Rapture (14:32:30) hairstyle of bats omg. mice whatta
Rapture (14:32:03) ai makes me such nice bat designs all the time. I fell in love with bats.
zoi (14:32:01) and bra = tuttekasse
mirrorbird (14:31:55) chauve-souris in french. bald mouse like you notice the hairstyle before the wings
Rapture (14:31:51) I LOVE BATS OMG
d_vibe (14:31:49) "rumpekrafs"
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