Rapture (01:52:34) hehe
Agemixer (01:51:50) (has doulbe meaning at least)
Agemixer (01:51:38) mir: yeah, literally translates as, "lennän aurinkoon" -> flying to the sun
mirrorbird (01:51:09) terrible days. yeah now i'm a fat middle-aged boozer like everyone else
mirrorbird (01:50:58) you shoulda seen how thin i was too
Rapture (01:50:53) 7 hours?
Rapture (01:50:51) but now you sleep..... ?
Rapture (01:50:39) kaba choco
mirrorbird (01:50:36) yeah i haven't been good to myself
Rapture (01:50:27) you are like a cat, sleeping long
Time Left: 3:58
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