Agemixer (02:34:37) that's a rare capability for an english you know!
mirrorbird (02:34:35) Agemixer: he's not Buzzer he's BOOTSER
mirrorbird (02:34:08) nobody can say that about english, we designed our spelling like a Minesweeper game
Agemixer (02:34:07)
Gyrominiac (02:34:05) let me upload more stuff real quick
mirrorbird (02:33:47) i can pronounce finnish very nice, i just don't know what 99% of the words mean
Agemixer (02:33:16) ingeniuousness, easy to spell in finnish (as written)
mirrorbird (02:33:00) impossi$ 4 df> h5kk.* Q wre1 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP
mirrorbird (02:32:22) HACKED? ME?
mirrorbird (02:32:07) it's gone beyond ironic into just annoying.
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