Rapture (00:52:54) we only have the present. my goose says that too. thanks AI assistance.
mirrorbird (00:52:43) no past, no future, just a present that changes
Rapture (00:52:37) future = present of tomorrow
Rapture (00:52:32) past= present of yesterday!
mirrorbird (00:52:32) Turrican OST - Techno Dungeon all done (but upload the non-ripped track if you have it, i bet you do)
Rapture (00:52:20) we only have the NOW! the present... it's a gift! that's why it's called present
Rapture (00:52:08) i bicycled today, and my conclusion was: "DONT THINK TOO MUCH OF THE PAST, OR FUTURE!"
Rapture (00:51:52) now, that's a thing from the past dont wanna talk about it or I cry.
Rapture (00:51:40) i showed them to you. "SUPER GEIL!"
Rapture (00:51:31) and my oldest files are: BASICA files. from 1986 1987 !
Time Left: 2:44
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