zoi (20:37:05) and dumplings
zoi (20:36:49) I had goulash
zoi (20:36:42) we had a hint of snow the other day here in .cz, too
mirrorbird (20:36:37) what did you eat
zoi (20:36:23) just out for dinner
mirrorbird (20:36:04) Rap said he had snow -- i think he's near Frankfurt?? can't remember
mirrorbird (20:35:48) did you go out in the snow in poland, zoi? i would like snow. it's very warm for december here.
mirrorbird (20:35:26) i used to say something like "my world begins at paddington and ends at slough", that was *way* too broad.
mirrorbird (20:34:51) µ taught me well
mirrorbird (20:34:43) i also hope to live my entire life inside my house and on my street
Time Left: 2:14
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