mirrorbird (14:33:53) i preferred it when we had facts
mirrorbird (14:33:48) see also recent "Scientific American" drama lol.
mirrorbird (14:33:39) this is why i can't exist in the 21st century, i was raised to believe that being right is more important than being nice.
zoi (14:32:15) it IS in the FAQ, though
zoner (14:31:30) what the FAQ
mirrorbird (14:31:01) brb FAQing off
mirrorbird (14:30:54) Machforr re OK stop saying "it should be in the FAQ" when you know nothing about it. write a FAQ about something you know. maybe the SID chip. if you publish errors they will spread, really bad.
zoner (14:30:34) let's not throw insults at people
mirrorbird (14:30:15) it was Linda (somebody), meaningless US print whore, as i stated earlier
Machforr (14:30:04) knowledge!
Time Left: 3:26
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