TheNalex (16:16:38) argc
Agemixer (16:13:01) Back. Argh argl argv
franz_opa (16:11:12) (wikiquote failed to find the source for that famous gates quote so it's probably false or at least misleading)
zoner (16:00:45) the actual quote from bill gates was "640 keystrokes ought to be enough for anyone"
Stinsen (15:59:49) 8bits ought to be enough for anyone
Rapture (15:50:49) 64bit
Rapture (15:35:40) a bit
Rapture (15:32:21) makes working faster
Rapture (15:32:15) with key shortcuts
Rapture (15:31:24) ok those macro scripts i created work well
Time Left: 3:12
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