Rapture (00:43:46) dont tell me what ppl do when I call a song "the cowboy duel (I find that stupid)"
Rapture (00:43:22) Exactly
atinypony (00:41:05) don't be silly, stone age people wouldn't sue you they'd just drag you to a cave and beat you with their clubs, they don't have lawyers in the stone age
Rapture (00:40:51) yeah
atinypony (00:39:38) yeah a whole album, that'd be at least in a grey zone if you caught the attention of a lawyer having a ████ty day
Rapture (00:39:20) nowadays all is possible
Rapture (00:39:16) when I name a track "the stone age era", will stone age clubs sue me?
Rapture (00:38:52) well it's no fan album, but commercial album, so
Rapture (00:38:31) in
Rapture (00:38:29) and that's when the risky thing comes it
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