Rapture (00:57:28) cool
Rapture (00:57:24)
HaCKa (00:56:18) Reminds me of Knightmare, nice game from Konami for the MSX, nice catchy song.
Rapture (00:52:20) \o Knight Hacka the Knight
Rapture (00:52:11) \o/
HaCKa (00:50:06) King Fabian, the biker o/
Rapture (00:49:05) Greets to Knight HaCka
Rapture (00:48:55) it's the female of the e-goose male boss. they have goslings now
Rapture (00:48:35) so cute
Rapture (00:48:35) an e-goose female squeaks like a rubber duck
Time Left: 6:38
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