atinypony (22:31:45) that is some odd tune
faraday (22:11:49) *Burn
faraday (22:11:44) oh yes Solar Bun o/
Rapture (21:26:30) I think contacting da domain email provider issa good idea. they will reply: ok boomer (cuz of museums smartphone that I have), arf
Rapture (21:26:05) zoi, thex, thanks. but how? There is that window popping up. M$ wants all my info entered there, nowhere else.
zoi (20:53:24) but he should get a new phone, too.
zoi (20:53:20) but rapture can get Ente instead of a new phone.
zoi (20:52:39) so it's arguably even worse
zoi (20:52:28) well, it's easier to pick up someones SMS:es than post-it notes on their screen
Thexder (20:51:50) which is ok if you work alone
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