Rapture (02:00:59) We are slaves to the online world
Rapture (02:00:38) Ah, works again as I can type here
Rapture (02:00:31) i need cubase online ofc! word starting with W!
Rapture (02:00:14) whatta, offline for 5 mins and that can't be! PANIQUE!
mirrorbird (01:57:48) if i'd remembered about it earlier, i would have probably done a screen.
mirrorbird (01:57:32) i know nobody but me cares about a ZX spectrum, but i think they have Atari & other stuff too.
mirrorbird (01:57:20) btw Forever 8-bit demoparty this weekend
juN3bula (01:56:42) yo yo
mirrorbird (01:56:34) (did you know you can reup a song even if it's moved/rejected etc. i do this for completeness. if i can find them. ha ha. in case of future revolution.)
mirrorbird (01:55:50) hi jun3
Time Left: 3:14
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