Agemixer (21:27:47) ah ok
Agemixer (21:27:40) sorry about that annoyance, i firgot how i intended it there normally those are just RUN executable
mirrorbird (21:27:26) walkingintheair and "driver v2" or something
mirrorbird (21:27:21) only the files i showed you
Agemixer (21:26:35) so was there plr1 file?
Agemixer (21:26:02) 2A is the constant disktype id by acommodire and A4 is id of mine for that disck
mirrorbird (21:25:38) i give up, i have other things to do tonight
mirrorbird (21:25:28) SYS 49152 just clears screen and says Ready.
mirrorbird (21:25:01) what does the A4 2A mean in the top line of the catalogue? start + len?
Agemixer (21:24:18) it should be there because that content
Time Left: 2:55
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