
User Profile For AtomicReindeer

Member Since: January 8, 2014
17 Uploads, 408 Votes, Spoken 1567 Times.
Last Login: March 22, 2025

![[I got a gold star!] - Great work uploading and fixing tunes! You are awesome. Icon](/static/media/linkicons/star-gold.png)
Public information
Currently Playing stuck?
Client side workaround (scroll down) for Currently Playing not updating. You can add more pages to update with @include lines, but that will increase server load.
Direct Focusing of Some Input Boxes
Proper way would be adding tabindex="x" to the input tags, but no idea how (setting aside all the mess of githubbing for 3 lines). While someone does it properly, this Greasemonkey script can help:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Nectarine Tabindex
// @namespace AtomicReindeer
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Login form
$('#id_username').attr('tabindex', '1');
$('#id_password').attr('tabindex', '2');
// Oneliner, only visible after logged in
$('#blah').attr('tabindex', '1');
Preserving demoscene
Another interesting thing, useful to preserve sites: bookmarklets. Create one bookmark with the following "address" to check archives (yeah, javascript..., not http...):
And another to request archiving:
javascript:location.href=''+document.location.href; also has options to archive "outgoing" links (useful for .mp3, .mod, etc). If I figure how to do that with bookmarlets, I will add it. So far you have to use the normal interface for such files.