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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Mad Men Have video by flag MmcM (Sergey Kosov)
Requested By: flagarneex
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Time Left: 3:08

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User Profile For Commodore [Visit User's Website]

[Commodore's Avatar]
flag Nyköping
Mysterious and Spooky

Member Since: November 27, 2009
0 Uploads, 34 Votes, Spoken 128 Times.
Last Login: January 27, 2025
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Commodore's Ultimate Song: PC (other)Stompin' Little Scouts by flag Elwood (Jussi-Matti Salmela) l Locked

Public information

Greetings from Nyköping, Sweden!

I’m a self-employed entrepreneur in the recycling and environmental sector, and a government employee.
I've been vibing to Nectarine since the early 2000s, even though I have no clue about creating demos – I'm here for the great tunas and community!

My interests are all over the place: graphic design, home automation, business development, web design, DIY projects, gardening, and fine woodworking.
Occasionally social, but my brain quickly fills up with brilliant ideas and projects that I simply must tackle right away, activating my inner introvert (still working on that balance!).

I'm a proud collector of all things Addams Family and, true to Swedish stereotypes, I'm a Satanist, hobby philosopher, trader, jack-of-all-trades, pedant, Pastafarian, and optimistic realist.

My kids can thank me for this unique genetic pool when they're older!