Rapture (14:41:18) nice rabbit, mindiell
Mindiell (14:19:33) 18 to 21, hmm sounds possible to come...
Colidace (14:19:25) wild west pony
Rapture (14:18:14) and when I have to cross a busy street, I feel like frogger. hehe.
Rapture (14:18:01) i still feel very river raid'ish when I drive thru VERY small streets/pasages
Rapture (14:17:40)
Rapture (14:17:37) river raid. great game. done by a woman btw!
Rapture (14:17:29) at rev, I'll walk at river, with bestie, esp if we dont find anyone to talk to there.
Rapture (14:16:45) translate it. dunno engl version.
Rapture (14:16:40) ich versuche da mal meine fühler auszustrecken
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