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PC (other)The Golden Path Have video by flag Slyspy (András Kövér)
Requested By: flagLittleWhite
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Time Left: 3:50

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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
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User Profile For Fredu

[Fredu's Avatar]
flag Fredu

Member Since: November 11, 2008
0 Uploads, 422 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: January 20, 2017
mail Send A Message | View Fredu's Favourites List.
Fredu's Ultimate Song: PC (other)Sunshine by flag Elwood (Jussi-Matti Salmela) l Locked

Public information

Listening to Nectarine since 2001, loving the scene ever since

Engaged in "computer stuff" since I got C64 for my 4th birthday.

Interests: software development, mobile technologies and computer games.

So far I've been to these demoscene parties (Revision 2015, Revision 2014, Revision 2013, WeCan 2012, Revision 2012, Revision 2011, Riverwash 2010, Breakpoint 2010, Breakpoint 2008) - so many cool memories, you are all great
