zoi (05:55:33) this black flag with white Arabic script is also popular
zoi (05:55:10) I tried to set it to one of those colourful rainbow flags I see all over in Sweden, but I couldn't figure out the country code
nyingen (05:45:50) lol
nyingen (05:45:47) We seem to be having an outbreak of "whee, set flag to whatever!"
juN3bula (05:25:25)
zoi (05:21:21) https://isithyperbasefriday.zoi.sk
juN3bula (04:36:10)
Rapture (22:39:00) evening o/
faraday (20:25:38) Evening o/
arrakis (17:27:53) Vathuhu state ? Valium ?
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