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AMIGA-MODRadio Moscow Have video by flag Jesper Kyd
Requested By: flagNaKhaiLynn
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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

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User Profile For HaCKa

[HaCKa's Avatar]
flag Rio de Janeiro
Ya hey!

Member Since: November 17, 2008
12 Uploads, 1019 Votes, Spoken 2740 Times.
Last Login: March 10, 2025
mail Send A Message | View HaCKa's Favourites List.
HaCKa's Ultimate Song: PC-S3MUnreaL ][ (Second Reality OST) Have video by flag Purple Motion (Jonne Valtonen) , flag Skaven (Peter Hajba) l Locked

Public information

Hail Nectas!

I'm an oldschool atheist scener that used to live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! Now I've moved to the capital Brasília and work for the government. I'm a computer scientist and I teach informatics and logics. I'm also a lawyer since December 2021...

I used to be Nectarine's top requester when there where charts here.

I am not an atomic playboy! Keep sceneing!

Some Nectabanners I've made: