Rapture (01:24:07) HaCka
HaCKa (01:23:54) Popcorn Hershey's and beer here.
mirrorbird (01:23:48) eating this https://www.hotelchocolat.com
Rapture (01:23:47) but eh... shower gel is way more intensive.
Rapture (01:23:42) issa same, right? or similar
Rapture (01:23:38) I ran out of shower gel btw used eh.... hand lotion. lol.
Rapture (01:23:11) sooo... what are you eating or drinking? tell
Rapture (01:22:58) ah oki
mirrorbird (01:22:48) i'm a sweet flower
Rapture (01:22:43) was du kannst heute besorgen verschieben nicht auf morgen. yeppo
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