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AMIGA-MODMonday Have video by flag Random Voice (Edvin Fladen)
Requested By: flagOldchap
In Compilations: Compilation Amiga Crack Intro Tuneage
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Time Left: 2:21

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LittleWhite's Favourite Songs

flagLittleWhite Has The Following Favourite Songs (total 727):
Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
.frOzen Have video flag reEto (Lexx Schaefer) GroupFarbrausch , GroupRebels [RBS] 4:53 Active * 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-06-29
10000 Hammers of Justice flag !cube (Greger Lönnberg) 2:59 Removed By Request 4.6 l Locked 2022-04-07
2Car flag deathy (Clifford Anderson) 2:49 Active * 3.6 l Locked 2024-09-19
SID (6581/8580)2nd Reality - Part 2 Have video flag kb (Tammo Hinrichs) GroupSmash Designs [SDS] , GroupThe Obsessed Maniacs [tOM] 6:29 Active * 4.7 l Locked 2024-09-21
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)30 minut (a cover, org. t.A.T.u) flag Yerzmyey GroupHooy-Program 3:35 Active 4.4 l Locked 2024-09-20
PC-XM3vil Ch33p SuXMiX flag MED (Cyril Pereira) 1:42 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2023-09-24
AMIGA-MOD4 Elise flag Lawbreaker (Arne Barlund) GroupAddict (Amiga) 2:56 Active 3.0 Log in to queue 2023-12-29
POKEY404 Error flag Greg [PL] (Grzegorz Kwiatek) , flag X-Ray (Łukasz Sychowicz) GroupGrayscale 2:25 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-09-21
404error 2:20 Dupe * 4.6 l Locked 2012-04-15
PC (other)8-Bit Wonderland Have video flag DQ (Wolf Budgenhagen) GroupKakiarts 3:41 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2024-09-13
PC (other)80's Disco flag Buzzer (Mikko Hyyti) 1:46 Active * 3.9 Log in to queue 2024-05-16
PC-Reason80's Once Again flag Buzzer (Mikko Hyyti) GroupBrainstorm 3:25 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-10-03
PC-Renoise808 (Ekorre.Ett.Remix.2011) flag Spiral (Mats Antonsson) 3:41 Active 3.8 l Locked 2024-09-20
SID (6581/8580)912 flag Dane (Stellan Andersson) 6:50 Active * 4.6 l Locked 2024-09-26
PC (other):) flag Ultrasyd (Sydney)Deceased 3:51 Active 3.9 Log in to queue 2024-09-24
PC (other):V Explicit content Have video flag Lug00ber (Ola Christian Gundelsby) Groupkvasigen 2:52 Active * 2.9 Log in to queue 2024-10-02
PC-ITA Bit of Eternity flag Minomus (Antti Mäntysaari) 4:57 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-07-27
AMIGA-MODA City at Night flag 4-mat (Matthew Simmonds) 11:44 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-09-08
AMIGA-MODA Final Hyperbase - Enigma (aka Musiklinjen) Have video flag Firefox (Jimmy Fredriksson) , flag Tip (Robert Österbergh) GroupPhenomena 5:35 Active 4.8 l Locked 2024-09-27
POKEYA Final Hyperbase - Enigma [Hyperbased 'Enjoy the POKEY' 2xAtariXL mix] flag XLent 4:44 Active * 4.2 l Locked 2024-09-27
PC (other)A Final Hyperbase - Enigma [Hyperbased - omg it's a Cube] flag Virgill (Jochen Feldkötter) GroupBitFellas 4:03 Active * 4.4 l Locked 2024-09-27
AMIGA-MODA King is Born Have video flag Dreamweaver (Per Wahlström) GroupAurora 4:44 Active 4.3 l Locked 2024-09-18
A Life flag Melomaniac (Simon Ravn) 6:45 Active * 4.5 l Locked 2024-09-18
AMIGA-customA Prehistoric Tale (intro) Have video flag Mad Max (Jochen Hippel) 6:24 Moved 4.8 l Locked 2023-11-15
Abyss Game 2 (Emulate the Past mix) flag Skymarshall Arts (Eirik Blodøks Hafskjold) 5:10 Active 4.5 Log in to queue 2024-09-08
AMIGA-MODAcidjazzed Evening flag Tempest (Janne Suni) GroupDamage [DMG] 3:12 Active 4.6 l Locked 2024-09-21
PC (other)Acula Class flag !cube (Greger Lönnberg) GroupArmada , GroupScallop , GroupSuccess+The Ruling Company 3:14 Active 4.5 l Locked 2024-09-19
PC (other)Aeon 5 Have video User Hidden GroupFarbrausch 9:13 Active 3.9 Log in to queue 2024-09-25
PC-XMAfter Hours flag Elwood (Jussi-Matti Salmela) 3:39 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2024-09-07
PC (other)Afternoon Stroll Have video flag aMUSIC (Sotiris Varotsis) GroupASD 4:23 Active * 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-09-30
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