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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Nostalgia in My Soul Have video by flag MmcM (Sergey Kosov)
Requested By: djrandom
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Time Left: 4:02

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User Profile For Nhoque3786

[Nhoque3786's Avatar]
flag Making stuff with no skills whatsoever :D

Member Since: November 8, 2020
4 Uploads, 232 Votes, Spoken 1136 Times.
Last Login: February 21, 2025
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Icon Nhoque3786's Ultimate Song: PC-XMDance un Funk by flag XyCe (Tom Offringa & Roel Heerspink)

Public information

Hi! im nhoque, a random guy who have autism and a pasta nickname, who tries to make pixel art and tunes with no skills whatsoever!

Recently, i am in a college learning software engineering, and in my free time i make random stuff (and sometimes play) with aseprite, openMPT and MilkyTracker (thanks to rapture, lol)

You can see my stuff on my newgrounds! (Mostly pixel arts, maybe some day i post a random tune there too :v)

Useless fun fact: the 3786 on my name becomes a ! if you paint it with x/y coords on pixel art, pretty cool easter egg!

POV: me trying to make music/art: