Agemixer (09:21:32) that PSU got 2amp diode bridge (IIRC) Instead of the original 1amp(?) bridge
zoi (09:21:00) I usually just run it for max an hour or so, but it overheated at pågadata last year, so I had to dremel out some ventilation
zoi (09:20:44)
d_vibe (09:20:19) Yep, DINs are still made
Agemixer (09:20:01) there's still DIN's made?? cool
zoi (09:19:57) done feeding and entertaining jr for the morning, so I'll see if I can find some RCA->TRS cables to record that thing
d_vibe (09:19:52) zoi: yeah, that's the cleanest way, but then you need to be able to remove it properly without damaging the motherboard
d_vibe (09:18:57) Agemixer
zoi (09:18:48) jeebus, and I thought my homemade C64 was a whack job
zoi (09:18:33) it's a standard, so they still make them with the right bend and pin layout
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