
User Profile For PypeBros
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Member Since: March 24, 2009
1 Uploads, 549 Votes, Spoken 523 Times.
Last Login: March 17, 2025

PypeBros's Ultimate Song: Sweet things by

Public information
Have been a little involved on the Belgian demoscene in '99 and Y2K, with a few 100k games. Fan of impressive stuff such as Poem to a Horse and beautiful music as found in the Ambrozia music disk.
I love the buzzing sound of "clone it",
I love the "wavy" sound of 911,
I dance on the C64's SID sound,
I think code is something we must be proud of
I think hardware is something that must make us dream of getting the most out of it.
... coming to life through code
it's alive!
I once approached the demoscene led by this momto. I'm hobby-working on a game-and-game-maker project on the nintendo DS for the same purpose, but at another scale. Check out my blog for more.
There are a few "evaded mods" of mine online, but I wouldn't recommend them for queueing, to be honest.
Oh, and btw, I pick up my guitar from times to times and give 8-bit (video-game) music a try.