Agemixer (10:07:21) once that damn backbone gives up a little more first
Agemixer (10:06:49) going soon
Agemixer (10:06:42) but if there is a workaround even, i'd kike to know. ok i'm toing soon
Agemixer (10:05:10) something like DHCP? Sry it's long when i was into network stuff
zoi (10:03:46) Stateless Address Auto-configuration
Agemixer (10:03:13) SLAAAC?
Agemixer (10:02:40) And no chance to disable that myself.. Argh argc argv
LittleWhite (10:01:35) handling*
Agemixer (10:01:34) I guess my netgem box has that issue for programtables. But it's only my best guess
LittleWhite (10:01:26) and managing hosts file :crazy:
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