
User Profile For Saga_Musix
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Blah! (c:
Member Since: September 17, 2008
489 Uploads, 2423 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: April 10, 2018

Saga_Musix's Ultimate Song:

Public information
Saga Musix aka Jojo.
Nectarine moderator.
ModArchive Crew Member.
ModPlug (OpenMPT) coder.
Simply awesome.
For those who want to have their own little nectarine "now playing" widget, download the php source. Should run on apache servers, not tested on others. The PHP script is called "playing.png" to trick some stupid forums like phpBB. If this doesn't work for you and you don't need this trick, just rename it to "playing.php". Alternatively, you can use mod_rewrite or similar stuff to trick phpBB...