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PC-XMToilet Sex! by flag Ghidorah (Petter Borling)
Requested By: flagRumpel
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Time Left: 2:02

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User Profile For Shriggar

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flag [No Info Line]

Member Since: October 16, 2008
0 Uploads, 528 Votes, Spoken 3 Times.
Last Login: May 3, 2023
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from OpenBSD songs:

4.5 Games
"...You wanna know the truth?
Intel's controlling you
And Microsoft is too
But this is nothing new..."

3.1 "Systemagic"

BSD fight buffer reign
Flowing blood in circuit vein
Quagmire, Hellfire, RAMhead Count
Puffy rip attacker out

Crackin' ze bathroom, Crackin' ze vault
Tale of the script, HEY! Secure by default

Can't fight the Systemagic
Über tragic
Can't fight the Systemagic

Sexty second, black cat struck
Breeding worm of crypto-suck
Hot rod box unt hunting wake
Vampire omellete, kitten cake

Crackin' ze boardroom, Crackin' ze vault
Rippin' ze bat, HEY! Secure by default

Can't fight the Systemagic
Über tragic
Can't fight the Systemagic

Cybersluts vit undead guts
Transyl-viral coffin muck
Penguin lurking under bed
Puffy hoompa on your head

Crackin' ze bedroom, Crackin' ze vault
Crackin' ze whip, HEY! Secure by default
Crackin' ze bedroom, Crackin' ze vault
Crackin' ze whip, HEY! Secure by default

Can't fight the Systemagic
Über tragic
Can't fight the Systemagic :-)