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User Profile For Viraxor

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Member Since: April 25, 2022
256 Uploads, 1091 Votes, Spoken 787 Times.
Last Login: February 17, 2025
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Icon Icon Icon Icon Viraxor's Ultimate Song: PC-XMChinqua by flag Nagz (David Halmi) l Locked

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fav artists: flag Nagz (David Halmi) , flag Carlos (Gábor Csordás) , flag Falcon (Jacek Dojwa) , flag KeyG (Konrad Gmurek) , flag Cybelius (Johannes Tiusanen) , flag Alexg (Alex Garcia) ...

absolutely fav songs (in no order.. yet):
1. Mouth Move Along (pretty ironic that KeyG's best tune is not a chiptune, despite him being a chip musician. I just love this, it's such a trip.)
2. Raw Sheep (this was done in an OHC. shares 3rd place on "fav nagz tunes" with...)
3. May I Own You? (may I own you. nagz's most famous song after my dog lives on the moon. what to say about it? it's just full of feelings and I love that.)
4. Mice Conquered House (this would be what nagz+decibelter would sound if it ever happened. great tune)
5. Knave (very dark. a lot of good ideas, and this is 8 channels!)
6. Homegrown Danger (one of the only nagz songs in 2003.)
7. Guy with No Fingers (the 2nd nagz song I've ever listened to. I was amazed when I heard this the first time.)
8. Flagpole-Shaped Dope (this song is such a trip. I love walking around at night with this track at full volume. probably my favourite nagz tune.)
9. Chinqua (8 minutes and 52 seconds of awesomeness. my 2nd fav nagz tune.)
10. Behind God's Back (who would I be if I don't put this on the list? carlos+nagz+zalza.)
11. Anti-Night Fiends (this song is one of the only chiptunes that tell a full story. without any lyrics. I just love this song too much.)
12. 98 Little Windows (honourable mention. this song introduced me to nagz.)
13. Autumn in Budapest (only 3 instruments. bass, drums and piano. this is amazing and carlos is awesome!)
14. Kiabrandultan (my fav track at one moment.)
15. Girl from Zamardi (ah. girl from zamardi. everyone's favourite carlos track.)
16. Streets of Budapest (real jazz in XM!)
17. Vosztok-7 (the funky voyage of vosztok-7! you need to hear the bass in order to properly enjoy this track. so throw your phone and laptop speakers away for this one.)
18. Halvanyan (the only song that I showed to my mom. I think this tells you everything.)
19. Twixt Cup and Lip (these 7 minutes and 16 seconds. the best hip-hop instrumental in the whole demoscene. so far.)
20. Ma Eyez Wide Open (this hip-hop is so weird and so cool.)
21. Ugly Duckling (you ever wanted to hear rock+hiphop+demostyle? this is your jam.)
22. Retroctober (yea! retroctober is a cool song.)
23. Less Distraction (this is the first song I've ever listened to by cybelius. and it's probably his 2nd best song.)
24. Blank Island (the last and the best cybelius song.)
25. Assidge (assidge is one of my favourite cybelius song. it's perfect. there's nothing wrong I can find about it, something that I can't say for a lot of cybelius' songs.)
26. Alien Playground (the weirdest song of all time. but it's great.)
27. Stinky Cheese! (the funkiest s3m. only 4 channels!)
28. Rise (a classic. really.)
29. Planet Subotnik (the best example of jazzy hip-hop.)
30. Fluffy Clouds (Fluffy Clouds is romantic, chill, has great percussion, and all that in just a bit over 40kb!)
31. Burned Beyond (the great Jeroen Tel jazz song! love it.)
32. Hello 1997 (legendary bass slide.)
33. Nobody Dreaming (simple and sad. good progression.)
34. Train of Truth (much better than the original. sounds great and live.)

if you like my favourites & stuff, also check flagusual, our music taste is too similar