Colidace (07:14:47) Hi Nectas
juN3bula (07:02:09) lukihäiriö
juN3bula (07:01:53) ,256 i have a ba
juN3bula (07:01:12) but they just send that you cuold do SID entry in 264 byses... i dont know how too hard for my brain ^^
juN3bula (07:00:19) there is one online demoparty on weekend maybe you cuold do on entry there some harcode Peeper soundd
kedontaus (06:59:02) That's awesome. Inspires!
juN3bula (06:58:34) Ahh, cool just start doing again. Cool. Yes same here I found demoscene on Covid time and now made some little graphic entryes
kedontaus (06:57:15) Then had like a 20 years break and been slowly trying to get back into music
kedontaus (06:56:50) Did tracker'ing on scream tracker and impulse tracker in the late 90s
kedontaus (06:56:06) Very amateur but yes
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