mirrorbird (22:53:00) these very slow, noisy electric trucks that would come along the street in the morning to bring your milk and yogurt
mirrorbird (22:52:43) did you have doorstep milk deliveries as a kid? that's a vanished 80s thing -- electric milk-floats
Rapture (22:52:42) next topic
Rapture (22:52:40) semen bank. ewww
Rapture (22:52:33) my milk is da best on the market
Rapture (22:52:27) ;D
mirrorbird (22:52:17) Rapture was banned from #oneliner (no milk today thanks)
Rapture (22:52:11) heh
Rapture (22:52:02) t-error-ist
mirrorbird (22:51:59) i should have put a smiley on that, but it was funnier not to
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