mirrorbird (22:16:43) hello HaCKa
HaCKa (22:16:13) Back to Firefox I guess I will.
HaCKa (22:15:53) Fuck you Chrome and your extension disabling updates.
mirrorbird (22:08:24) 3*
mirrorbird (22:08:19) NOBODY can do spacesynth better than Spiral. but he can't sing
mirrorbird (21:54:00) Poland is cool.
faraday (21:53:31) exactly. Please be gentle
mirrorbird (21:53:31) UNRELATEDLY hi Thexy
mirrorbird (21:53:05) can i make an Orban joke -- oh -- wait no we have to be nice here
mirrorbird (21:52:43) Polish momentum. towards the catholic right-wing i would imagine :>
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