faraday (17:54:12) arra o/
arrakis (17:53:50) DFarat*
faraday (17:52:00) and hi btw o/
faraday (17:51:14) oh Mystra just answered
faraday (17:51:02) you have a contact mail on the login page : nectarine.help+recovery@gmail.com (if it's still active)
Mystra (17:50:56) Ask on the Discord: https://discord.gg
nepthwo (17:49:29) I'd like to recover my old account, but my email address is long dead. Anywhere to look for that?
doh (17:47:11)
arrakis (17:36:24) We also had goose : foie gras d'oie
arrakis (17:36:12) lol Niels Anderson
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