mirrorbird (21:09:59) what if i am writing a basic program, and then i want to catalogue my disk
Agemixer (21:09:54) whats the dir content?
Agemixer (21:09:36) yes that's what the diskdrive does, it generates a basic file as a listing!
mirrorbird (21:09:13) RUN > syntax error in 19473
mirrorbird (21:09:05) so ok, once i have loaded WALKINGINTHEAIR then what
Agemixer (21:08:41) strange Vice bugs in so obvious places i wouldn't be using vice... but it is still teh best(?!?!)
mirrorbird (21:08:29) i see it's actually loading the catalogue 'as' a program, bizarre
mirrorbird (21:08:10) very strange how LIST can show a disk catalogue as well as a program listing
mirrorbird (21:07:30) oh, no. it crashed the first 2 times. now it won't.
Agemixer (21:07:26) ok try File -> Attach disk image then
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