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XboxFor Shazz Have video by flag Rebb (Teemu Pohjanlehto)
Requested By: flagmirrorbird

Time Left: 3:22

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User Profile For koitsu

[koitsu's Avatar]
flag Mountain View, CA, USA
Du kan dricka!

Member Since: March 13, 2010
0 Uploads, 348 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: January 7, 2014
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koitsu's Ultimate Song: SID (6581/8580)Edge of Disgrace Have video by flag Dane (Stellan Andersson)

Public information

An awkward culturally-aware 30-something male hailing from Oregon but residing in northern California.

* UNIX system administrator by profession, but with extensive experience with networking and ATA (think SATA) as well.

* Originally introduced to the PC and Amiga demo scene in 1990. First home computer was an Apple IIGS (1987-1994) before upgrading to a 486.

* Member/co-founder of the IIGS demo group Digital Exodus back in the '90s.

* Fluent in numerous programming and scripting languages (e.g. 65xxx assembly, PIC, C, perl, PHP), and is a strong advocate of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!). Still remembers bits and pieces of x86 (8088 to 80486) but would prefer not to. Hates 68K.

* Wrote a series of public domain Nintendo and Super Nintendo reference documentation for demo and homebrew programmers... circa 90s.

* Partook in numerous open-source projects, primarily FreeBSD and Linux. I also like hardware monitoring.

* Known to read or speak too many languages: 中文, 日本語, 한국어, and Svenska). Only went to school for 中文. Native tongue: English.

* Doesn't own/drive a car (bicycle FTW!), and doesn't watch TV.

* Spells and pronounces some things British due to family upbringing and schooling -- but with an American accent.

* Absolutely loves chiptunes of all sorts and kinds, regardless of platform.

* Alf chip, colour cycling, chicken, and dancing. What more could one ask for?

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