mirrorbird (20:59:03) i'm hacking the matrix
mirrorbird (20:58:58) shhh don't tell me
mirrorbird (20:58:51) i don't! it says V2. aha
Agemixer (20:58:49) you need to load a specific prg inside the d64, thats why
mirrorbird (20:58:45) maybe i don't have "Commodore BASIC V4.0 or higher"
mirrorbird (20:58:33) well CATALOG doesn't work. so...
mirrorbird (20:58:15) shhh don't tell me how
mirrorbird (20:58:10) i'm going to load your disk without any Ctrl+8 cheating
Agemixer (20:57:56) imagefile
Agemixer (20:57:52) give it a reset (c64) and Alt + 8 to open the d64 file image
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