Agemixer (00:56:51) i'd like to add my Skyflares theme into it (proper spacesynth, as i intended of the original thoughts how it would sound alike
Rapture (00:55:17) what means
Agemixer (00:54:35) ok. Skyflares 2 (PC remake)
Rapture (00:53:54) megasong.. no motivation for it at the moment but you can talk here
Agemixer (00:53:04) Rap: i pretty much "nailed" my idea for megasong... but is it ok to talk in teh Oneliner?
Rapture (00:50:34) i am here to talk a bit
Rapture (00:45:24)
Rapture (00:45:23) Happy is the BBS master!
Rapture (00:38:48) Goose evening Happy!
HappyDude (00:38:33) G'evening Rappy!
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