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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)KOTO MegaMix Have video by flag Yerzmyey
Requested By: flagserpent

Time Left: 5:24

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User Profile For nvictor

flag bice mett you too

Member Since: June 9, 2011
20 Uploads, 3205 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: December 27, 2012
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Public information

bice mett you too

maep's custom CSS

"if you don't like beer you just haven't found the right kind of beer" (c) 2012 crrr


A is for anni
anni is ossom

A is also for arrakis
just ask him about any kind of wine. he knows them all !

B is for :boobies:
:boobies: bad girls need love too

C is for corewhore
corewhore needs some encouragements from the old timers.

C is foar Commodoar Sixtyfoar
gimme moar commodoar sixtyfoar

C is also for
everyday is everyone's birthday on necta

D is for Dong
you touched my tralala, my ding ding dong


F is for Fika
we need more fikacoffee


H is for He-Man



K is for Kinky

L is for Licky
is our cutest smiley

M is for Mett
bice mett you too

N is for Ninja
entering ninja mode

O is for Ossom
necta is ossom second family

P is for Pony
the pink pony is a male pony


R is for Radiation
we radiate energy

S is for Serious
we only lay down serious sounds

S is also for SID

T is for Terra
Terra """...they were gonna make it in php, and I was pushing a bit for django, because django is awesome. and then I started making a small prototype just to show it was possible. and then I found a way to stream mp3's to icecast (MAD python bindings). 3rd day after people started gathering, and they were still discussing where to host the php project they hadn't started yet. and I was lurking in the irc channel, since noone wanted to make it in django I was not really following the discussion as much anymore. and suddenly the last piece fit, and I had a working queue system. And I announced so forth to the channel ; "um guys, I got a working system here.. running under django". arab went ballistic, and before I had a chance to tell them it was a prototype, and not really fit for use, it was up and running on a server. The rest is history."""

U is for Untz
untz untz untz

V is for Vahlume
yo! pumpitup nao

((wob))((wob))((wob)), splittingatoms

X is for Xmas
merry x-mas \/

Y is for You
No, You